Conference for Research on Equitable and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology


Conference for Research on Equitable and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology

Statement from ACM RESPECT

Dear members of the ACM SIGCSE and RESPECT communities,

The ACM RESPECT 2025 organizers are committed to supporting our community in our mission to engage every person in learning about computing and related technologies, especially those who have had limited access to these opportunities.

Many of you may be wondering about your safety, the status of your funding, the legality of continuing to work in this space, and how the ACM RESPECT conference and community may respond to the shifting political landscape. We care about you and remain committed to helping our community grow and build knowledge. 

First, we assure you that you and your research are valued and our ACM RESPECT 2025 conference will take place. RESPECT was historically an IEEE conference and in 2024 became an ACM SIGCSE conference, demonstrating its value to the international research community. 

We realize that many of you are in places or positions that are challenging the basis and funding for your work. For your safety, we encourage you to follow your institutional guidance and all applicable laws and regulations. For those of us on the organizing committee, many of our institutions have issued guidance that research project work can continue unless we are specifically and explicitly told that this specific work must be halted (e.g., you receive a “stop work” order). We have also been advised that individual PIs should not interpret executive orders but should contact their research office if they have questions about how their project may be impacted.  

Our committee is working to minimize the cost of registration for the conference, both in consideration of the potential impacts of recent actions on research funding and in recognition of the need to address barriers to participation. We hope to offer a registration fee that is substantially lower than in past years. In addition to a low-cost, in-person meeting, we will offer a hybrid/virtual registration option.

At this time, we do not have any information about the status of the NSF CISE EWF PI meeting but will share information with this community as we receive it. In the event that the meetings are co-located, it should be noted that RESPECT receives no federal funding for the conference or proceedings publication.  

We will continue to monitor the ongoing situation and respond dynamically. We are with you. We are listening. We support you. Join us at RESPECT 2025


The RESPECT 2025 Organizing Committee

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